Meet the Nordic Asia team: Sunny Huang

2021-02-19Nordic Asia Team
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Please tell us briefly about yourself and your background?

Before joining Nordic Asia, I worked as an equity research analyst covering Greater China Banks. I have three years’ experience in equity research on sell-side. I have both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from University of Manchester.

How did you come up with the idea to join Nordic Asia?

After three years of sell-side experience on banking sector, I was thinking of redirecting my career path into a more interesting sector and a role more engaging to the capital market. Nordic Asia is a unique business opening up China exposure to Nordic investor. It is also a buy-side fund with consumption upgrade theme which I could more deeply participate the capital market in China. After three years in sell-side I would like to join the buy side for my future career path.

What challenges in the market do you think Nordic Asia will resolve?

In Nordic Asia, we help Nordic investors ride the rally of China development and help them achieve return. We also enable the Nordic investor knowing more about China’s rapid development and forming a bridge between Nordic and China which is a niche market.

What skills and experiences do you bring to Nordic Asia and what is your role at Nordic Asia?

My role in Nordic Asia is investment analyst in China consumer sector. I brought my professional experience in equity research and effectively utilize my resource in the industry to generate research output. On top of that, I advise on stock/company picking and industry development to assist portfolio manager’s investment decision making.

In your view what makes Nordic Asia unique and what is your visions for Nordic Asia?

In my view, Nordic Asia is unique business that connecting Nordic capital market and China capital market which is a rising star in such niche market. My vision for Nordic Asia Investment group is for us to become the centerpiece of Nordic investors’core portfolio when they invest in China market.

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Nordic Asia Investment Group 1987 AB

Lee Garden 2, 28/F, Room 2808

28 Yun Ping Road

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


Nordic Asia Investment Group 1987 AB

C/O Vindskontoret

Nybrogatan 11, 6tr

114 39 Stockholm


Nordic Asia

Room 4219

8 Yincheng Middle Road

Pudong New Area, Shanghai