Meet the Nordic Asia Team - Celia Li

2021-02-26Nordic Asia Team
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Please tell us briefly about yourself and your background?

My name is Celia Li. I worked as a sell-side equity research analyst for 2 years before joining Nordic Asia, covering the Greater China Technology Hardware (especially focusing on panel, PCB, LED). For education background, I got my bachelor degree in accountancy in Xiamen University, and received a master’s degree in finance in Johns Hopkins University.

How did you come up with the idea to join Nordic Asia?

After two-year experience of sell-side analyst, I was thinking about switching my role from sell-side to buy-side for my future career path, in order to get closer to the trading market and gain deep insight in a wider range of industry. Nordic Asia, as an entrepreneurial investment company to help Nordic investors participant in accelerated growth in China, offers me a great opportunity to work as a buy-side equity research analyst focusing on technology sector.

What challenges in the market do you think Nordic Asia will resolve?

Currently, Nordic investors only have a small proportion of their investments in China, and they have not yet fully captured the economics growth opportunities in Asia. As an investment group focusing on China market, Nordic Asia provides the Nordic investors with a convenient and efficient investment portfolio in China, and help them catch the opportunities in the fast growing economy in China.

What skills and experiences do you bring to Nordic Asia and what is your role at Nordic Asia?

I gained skills and experiences from my past job as a sell-side equity research analyst, especially in fundamental analysis, financial modeling, and industry landscape analysis. Currently, my role in Nordic Asia is investment analyst in China technology sector. I brought my research structure and professional skills of equity research in technology hardware sector from my past work experiences, and enlarged my coverage to the pan-technology areas. In Nordic Asia, I provide opinions and researche on stock picking, deep dive, and industry trend to help portfolio manager on investment decision making.

In your view what makes Nordic Asia unique and what is your visions for Nordic Asia?

In my view, Nordic Asia is a unique investment group, focusing on the investment opportunities on China consumption upgrade and helping Nordic investors to access to a good investment portfolio in China market. My vision for Nordic Asia is to become the largest and greatest long term investment firm for Nordic investors to invest in China and to provide Nordic investors with deep insights and opinions on China market.

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