Nordic Asia Investment Group – Quarterly report Q3 2024 (duplicate)
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the third quarter of 2024
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the third quarter of 2024
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the third quarter of 2024
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the second quarter of 2024
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the first quarter of 2024
Nordic Asia publishes annual report for 2023
Nordic Asia Investment Group publishes Year-End Report for the year 2023
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the third quarter of 2023
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the second quarter of 2023
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the first quarter of 2023
Nordic Asia publishes annual report for 2022
Nordic Asia Investment Group publishes Year-End Report for the year 2022
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the third quarter of 2022
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the second quarter of 2022
Nordic Asia publishes interim report for the first quarter of 2022
Nordic Asia Investment Group publishes Year-End Report for the year 2021
The business world highlights Nordic Asia and is cautiously positive: "Whoever is interested in China can subscribe"
Nordic Asia's CEO Yining Wang talks about why China may be more interesting than the US as an investment in 2022 and about Nordic Asia's IPO on Nasdaq First North
Nordic Asia publishes terms and prospectus for listing on December 16, 2021 on Nasdaq First North
After yesterday's announcement of the intention to be listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market, Nordic Asia has received the attention of the business press from, among others, Dagens Industri, Privata Affärer, SvD, Börsvärlden and Realtid.
Nordic Asia announces its intention to be listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market
Michael Thurow, Jonas Olavi and Johan Roslund elected to the board of Nordic Asia Investment Group.
The shareholders in the public company Nordic Asia Investment Group 1987 AB, org. no. 559226-8352, is hereby called to an extraordinary general meeting on Monday, October 25, 2021.
The shareholders in the public company Nordic Asia Investment Group 1987 AB, org. no. 559226-8352, is hereby called to an extraordinary general meeting on Wednesday, September 29, 2021.
Yining Wang, founder and CEO of Nordic Asia Investment Group, shares everything from the latest regulations and stock market falls in China to how they work to find interesting companies.
The newly started investment company Nordic Asia Investment Group takes in SEK 90 million in its Pre-IPO capital raising round. The company's business concept is to invest in companies on the Chinese and Asian stock exchanges with a focus on the digital consumer.
Meeting Yining Wang - the Founder and Investment Director of Nordic Asia Advisory Group, a Stockholm and Shanghai-based investment management firm that aims to decode Asian Investment Opportunities to Nordic Investors.
Nordic Asia’s Founder and Investment Director Yining Wang joins Swedish investment podcast Nordnet to talk about investment oppotunity and organic growth in Asia as well as tips on how to handle the current political situation.
Yining Wang, Investment Director at Nordic Asia, explains the differences and similarities between the e-commerce platforms Pinduoduo (PDD), and Alibaba.
First closing of SEK 50 million completed
Interview with Nordic Asia founder and Investment Director Yining Wang highlighted in Affärsvärlden