Net asset value

Nordic Asia's key financial performance indicator is the net asset value (“NAV”) per common share (expressed in SEK). The NAV is calculated as the net value of the company's assets, which consist of the market value of the investment portfolio, cash and other assets, subtracting liabilities, divided by the number of outstanding common shares.

The NAV is updated on a monthly basis on the website and a detailed calculation is published on a monthly basis, with exceptions made in conjunction with the release of interim reports. The calculation of the NAV is based on the latest reported level of debt (excl. cash) unless otherwise stated.

Net asset value as of 2025-02-21: 4.15 kr/aktie.

Hong Kong
Nordic Asia Investment Group 1987 AB

Lee Garden 2, 28/F, Room 2896

28 Yun Ping Road

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


Nordic Asia Investment Group 1987 AB

C/O Vindskontoret

Nybrogatan 11, 6tr

114 39 Stockholm


Nordic Asia

Room 4219

8 Yincheng Middle Road

Pudong New Area, Shanghai