Meet the Nordic Asia team: Thomas Nordén

2020-10-14Nordic Asia Team
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Please tell us briefly about yourself and your background?

I would describe myself as an entrepreneurial result driven person with an appetite to meet interesting new people. I have previously worked with investors at various market leading financial companies both in Sweden, London and New York including SocGen, Pareto and Carnegie. In addition, I have co-founded a FinTech start-up with an online marketplace for illiquid assets from distressed European banks. Then I have a MSc in Finance from the Stockholm School of Economics and I also studied in the U.S.

An international environment has always appealed to me in my career with a focus on investments in new sustainable trends and companies that will be the market leaders of tomorrow. Frequent traveling and an active lifestyle are key ingredients to my well-being.

Why did you decide to get involved in Nordic Asia?

I want to work for a fast-paced company where I get much responsibility and the chance to learn new skills that will be useful long-term and that is really the case with Nordic Asia since we had to build the company from the ground and do everything needed to get the firm where we stand today and where we want it to be in the future.

I have previously worked in Europe and the U.S. so to focus on Asia, and China in particular, felt like the next natural step for me. I truly believe that China’s thriving economy and blue-chip companies will continue to flourish both short- and long-term to become undisputable market leaders so I do not want to miss out. Instead I want to be part of this rewarding journey now and share the insights to my network of investors.

What skills and experiences do you bring to Nordic Asia and what is your role at Nordic Asia?

Mainly I bring an energetic and result oriented mindset so we can make Nordic Asia into a market leader in the Nordics for Asian investment opportunities and research. My skills in sales, entrepreneurship and analytics will come in very handy and the same goes with my experience of meeting with investors and picking the right investment for them.

My role at Nordic Asia is Head of Business Development and I am the main contact for our investors and partners so feel free to add me on LinkedIn or email me at to connect with me.

In your view what makes Nordic Asia unique and what is your visions for Nordic Asia?

We are unique thanks to the people we have in our firm with market leading knowledge of the most sustainable and long-term profitable Chinese firms. The portfolio managers combination of backgrounds both in Sweden and in China with a Nordic cautious investment philosophy and understanding of the Chinese corporate culture with local presence in both regions make us stand out from others.

Nordic Asia will be the market leader for Asian investment opportunities and research in the Nordics. We will have an IPO next year and we are building a platform allowing everyone to access our products so soon the barriers and complexity to invest in Asia will only be a memory. Please follow us on our journey ahead and we would much appreciate your support in the future.

Thanks for now and hope to connect with you soon again.

Best Regards,


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